…And, no, the answer is not “butter”. Thanks.
The reason I’m on a roll is because (drum roll, please) I finished writing another novel. That’s right, friends…the first draft of “Child of Roses” has been completed! Overall, I’m pretty happy with how the entire thing turned out. Even the epilogue turned out better than I’d hoped. I did, however, have significant trouble finding that one perfect ending sentence. This resulted in me letting my main character ramble on for a paragraph and saying some things that probably didn’t need to be said. Whatever. That’s what revisions are for.
Now, you ask…what am I working on? Allow me to share that with you. It’s finally come time when I feel ready to begin querying agents. I have a handful of (relatively small) things to fix in “Nor the Battle” before I go and embarrass myself (I’m a big fan of first impressions, don’t judge). Once I get those little things fixed, I’ll start. I already have something at least resembling a query letter…and I need to do a synopsis. Seriously, I know I’ve drawn out this step, but that’s because it terrifies me. I can feel it though…it’s time. I can’t hide from this forever.
In the meantime, I always need to be writing SOMETHING. That something is me trying my hands at a YA fantasy trilogy. That’s right. I’m trying, not only fantasy, but a trilogy. And I thought it was a good idea to give myself 5 different protagonists, who each get the chance to tell the story from their own point of view. Crazy? Probably…I’m more convinced on this fact the further I get in the process for this new project. But I think it’s going to be fun. And it’s something I can keep my mind on when revisions on “Nor the Battle” start getting to me.
So that’s the world right now for me. Keep checking back, and I’ll keep you up-to-date on the agent search!
Good luck with your agent search! I’ve enjoyed the snippets you’ve shared on Michelle Zink’s Open Mic!
Thanks, Danielle! I’ve enjoyed your snippets too! 🙂
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