Dear Girl from the Homeless Family,
Your family stayed a few days at our church once a few years ago, during the church shelter cycle. You probably are all on your feet by now, living a great life somewhere. I hope you are.
Anyway, one of the nights you guys were staying at the church, I was part of the youth group that was helping out. There were a few of us there that got to help entertain all you kids. Somehow, you and I ended up doing arts and crafts together with a few of the others. Which was fine by me, because I love arts and crafts. You made me smile–you were so cheerful and liked talking a lot. I had a lot of fun that evening hanging out with you and everyone else.
You crocheted a chain for me while trying to teach me how to crochet with no hook. I didn’t learn how to do that, but I still have the chain hanging out my bulletin board. It meant a lot to me coming from you. I’ll never forget how content you were with a life most would imagine as hell. You were content with the minimum, grateful to have a safe haven for that week and movies to watch and yarn with which to crochet.