TDTL Day 26: The Last Person You Made a Pinky Promise To

Dear Heather,

I don’t know you’re actually the last person I made a pinky promise to, but I’m willing to make an educated guess that you were. You were my best friend right around that time that we would have been growing out of that particular ritual.

We–the whole group of us girls from that time–were big fans of secrets and promises. Not a bad thing. It amused us all at the time. But I wonder if all that dependancy on each other for those few years is why we so willingly grew apart in high school. Maybe that doesn’t make sense, but I do wonder why we grow apart so effectively. Remember that little secret “club” we formed for the group in seventh grade? That cause more drama than good. I doubt it really had to do with the “club” exactly, but it made things about fifty times worse during disagreements. Ah, drama. Our group was so good at it back then.