Wherever have I been for the last two months (or more)? Why have I barely gotten any writing done, not to mention have let my email inbox go out of control yet again?
My husband and I just moved into our first house! (And then turned around and went on a week-long cruise mere days later, but that’s a story for another post.)
While I’m super psyched that we did some hardcore adulting and bought a house (yay for 30 years of debt!), here’s the thing: I hate moving. Moving is like pulling teeth with me. I waited until the last possible minute to start packing, and unpacking has been just as infused with procrastination. I can find any excuse to not deal with the stack of boxes in our back bedroom. I’m sick, I’m tired, I’m sore from dance rehearsal or working out, it’s just too overwhelming.
(Meanwhile, may I add, Alan unpacked and organized basically the entire finished basement. He has an unfair advantage in this, though, because he spends part of each day hopped up on steroids for a chronic illness.)
Now I feel I can talk about it and share pictures, though, because things are a little less chaotic in the house, not to mention in my shiny new writing space!
One of the big selling points for the house we chose was the fact that, not only does it have an already-finished basement, but there’s an extra room down there, which means we actually have five bedroom-type spaces. This means that Alan and I get separate offices. This is great for two reasons. First, I no longer have to stare at all of Alan’s piles of computer stuff. Second, I don’t feel guilty about buying enough bookcases to line almost every wall in my office. I finally get my library (sort of)!
And while I hate on moving to probably an unfair level, I will give it one benefit: it’s the perfect excuse to reimagine how I want my writing oasis to look. I can create the space that I want, that will make me most comfortable as I daydream the shenanigans that my characters can get into.
Now, let me forewarn you, the space isn’t done yet. I need to buy another full-sized bookcase, along with another small one. But here are the in-progress pictures of my new writing space.