Do you ever have those weeks when life just kind of gets away from you? That’s kind of what happened to me this week. Thus why you’re getting the book of the week post I normally do on Thursday…on Saturday.
Frankly, I’m just impressed with myself that I’m doing it at all.
Between killing characters, making chaos, trying to get some reading done, and going through all the normal HPA craziness that comes with ending one campaign and starting another, it’s kind of amazing I made it to this weekend. It was just an interesting week of trying to get things accomplished, but only getting about half of the things done I wanted to originally.
Ah, well. Win some, lose some. Whatever.
The book I’ve been reading this week is (finally) The Last Little Blue Envelope by Maureen Johnson. It came out on Tuesday and I was SO EXCITED to finally get it.
It’s just as wonderful as I guessed it would be. I always love what Maureen Johnson writes, though, so I didn’t worry otherwise. I wish I could have gotten more read this week, but I’m loving it anyway. If you get the chance to read this book, I’m sure you’d love it too. It’s just quality YA.