Long time, no post…

Let me begin by apologizing for the epic fail that was me keeping this thing updated during NaNoWriMo. Let’s just face facts–I got distracted by the excitement. But I’m back now and still working hard!

To update you all on what happened with NaNo…well…I finally won!!! This was my sixth year participating and I finally crossed the 50k word finish line! It was a hard 30 days, for sure, but I definitely feel a great sense of accomplishment. I always love November. I love getting to spend the month writing just because I can. It’s a great feeling.

Since the end of November, I have been working hard on “Nor the Battle” and trying to get it ready to send to agents. So far it’s been through one intensive revision that, well, kind of hurt my head. The worst revision of them all was changing the gender of a minor character, because I’m still fairly certain that there’s a gender-specific word that never got switched. I’ll be taking it through at least one more round of revisions soon and then start querying agents.

When I’m not working on “Nor the Battle”, I’ve been working on its companion, called “Child of Roses”. So far I only have a handful of pages typed and written, and a very rough outline of characters, but for the most part I’m very excited about where it’s going and where it’ll end up.

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