Book of the Week: 13 Little Blue Envelopes

Remember that time when I said I wasn’t going to read any fun YA until I finally finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo? Do you want to know how long that plan lasted?

Well, actually it kind of died two weeks ago.

But the second attempt at that plan died yesterday.

I’m still reading Dragon Tattoo, but I need fun YA to keep me going.

I’ve actually already read this amazing book before, 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. I am, however, now RE-reading it, because its sequel comes out next week (The Last Little Blue Envelope) and I’ll be darned if I don’t get that book the day it comes out. Anyway, this one is just as amazing as the first time I read it. I always love what Maureen Johnson writes, though, so I may be a wee bit prejudiced about it.

Although, in a way, I don’t consider it cheating on my Dragon Tattoo goal, seeing as how I’ve read 13 Little Blue Envelopes before. Next week, when I start reading the sequel as soon as it’s in my hands, then I’ll definitely be cheating on my goal. But that’s next week’s issue.

Book(s) of the Week: Dragon Tattoos and Grammar Nerds

I pretty much crank through a book a week. Normally. So I figure I’ll use Thursdays to ramble about whatever I’m reading, or have been reading…or read…each week.

The whole “book a week” thing doesn’t really count this week, because I’m STILL READING The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Ugh. I miss my YA, but I’m trying really hard (and have already failed once) at not picking up anything YA until I FINISH THIS BOOK.

Here’s the thing about Dragon Tattoo…it starts out way too slow for me. I’ve been trying to read this for at least three weeks now and have only just gotten to page 150 or so. And it’s JUST NOW interesting me. But I bought the book a few months ago, and I started reading it, so now I feel obligated to finish. *sigh*

The whole “don’t read anything until I finish Dragon Tattoo” doesn’t count for books on writing, because I pretty much constantly have one I’m in the process of reading. The writing craft books tend to take me a little longer than a week, but…oh, well.

The craft book I’m reading right now is…

I’m really enjoying The Writer’s Notebook. I actually bought it at the Book Loft last week when I went there with some of the girls from my writers group. I’m really in no hurry to finish it. I try to read an essay every few days, but they’re all really quite interesting. I’m addicted to writing craft books. I can’t help it.

And, last but most certainly not least, I’m also reading:

That’s right, folks. I’m also reading a book about grammar. But it’s a HILARIOUS book about grammar, so that has to count for something, right?
